Los Angeles, USA
4 months
Brand design, UI/UX, visual design, motion design

In a nutshell

Sage was a project by the YCombinator-backed startup Eternal. The app aimed to connect its users with pro-gamers and online personalities, either in coaching sessions or just to play a game together. Though there were plans to eventually broaden the app's focus to include more games, the initial concept revolved around the popular MOBA game League of Legends.

UI-motivated rebrand

As with all apps, user experience plays a big role in retention. Over the course of three sprints, we set out to redesign Sage's visual identity, user interface, and overall concept to better resonate with gamers.
The splash screen cycles between three hero visuals, each representing a way to interact with Sage.

Making a splash

What's better for a good first impression than a fancy splash screen? I made extensive use of Riot Games' massive League of Legends art library and used some Photoshop and animation tricks to create screens that feel dynamic and polished.

There's no bored in onboarding

I designed the onboarding process to be as  streamlined as technically possible. By only prompting users to provide information when the app needs it to function, we were able to divide the onboarding process into shorter chunks that are much less likely to scare off users. All it takes to get started is a username and a password.

What the app does

Sage primarily served as a hub for League of Legends players to improve their gameplay and meet others to play with. It served four key purposes: watching coaching content in Class, finding coaches and companions in Explore, connecting with the community in Inbox, and personalizing your profile in Me.
Nothing's loading here. Just in case you were waiting for something to pop up :)

Familiarity versus identity

One way to increase a product's user experience is to use widely adopted design patterns so your users instinctively know how to interact with it. I personally feel that some apps take this too far, effectively robbing the final product of any individuality. Though I did take inspiration from common UI patterns, I also embraced the fantastical flourishes often associated with RPGs and the flashy elements frequently seen in esports-related media. One way to infuse some personality in a non-obstructive way is to design a spinner that encompasses the brand.

Level up with the Class feed

Inspired by the engaging formats of social media giants like TikTok and Instagram, as well as e-learning platforms, the Class feed is where users can watch free videos and coaching sessions. This feed was a space for active learning, offering tips and strategies to improve gameplay. The design borrowed elements from familiar platforms to create a user-friendly and engaging experience, encouraging users to spend more time exploring content.

Finding people to learn from and play with

The Explore feature lets users browse available coaches and companions. Each card features a photo and a description, along with a session fee in tokens. Tokens could be bought directly or earned through interactions with the app.

Match Review

No tokens to book your own sessions? Not to worry. You can still get some learning by sitting in on other people's sessions. This approach benefits non-paying users' experience while also enticing them to book their own sessions. By giving coaches the option to make their coaching sessions publicly available, we lower the threshold from passive viewer to active user.

Instant connection

If you're not in the mood to manually look for someone to play with, the Quick Connect feature has you covered. Through this feature, users can instantly connect with a coach or companion. Matches can be randomized or tailored to the user's criteria for a small amount of tokens.

Creative campaigning

A big part of getting a startup going is simply getting the word out. Although gamers are often grouped together as a single target audience, there is a lot of variation within the group and many possible marketing approaches. Some ads focused on the improvement journey, others emphasized the sense of community, and some just featured drawings of hot girls.

In a nutshell...

Sage was a significant departure from my usual clientele, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Although I'm not much of an online gamer myself, it was fascinating to immerse myself in the culture for a while. This project marks a turning point in my career, as I shifted my focus toward the international market. I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to these new territories. Cheers to the team and the memories!
"As a startup, we needed to optimize both speed and UI/UX. After going through over 20 candidates, we finally found Yoel. Yoel is able to not just deliver fast, but also iterate just as quickly. His design and ideas directly led to more conversion and sales. Can't wait to work together again :)"
– Jeffrey Tong, Founder of Zelos/Eternal

Implementation and credits

The following software was used to create the assets for this project:

  • UI/UX design: Figma
  • Developed in: Flutter
  • Asset creation: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
    • AI-powered enlargement: Topaz Gigapixel AI
    • Web animation: Bodymovin, Lottie

This project has been made possible by:

  • Initial concept: The Zelos team
  • UI/UX design: Yoel Martherus
  • Brand design: Yoel Martherus
  • Development: The Zelos team
  • Illustrations: Riot Games

In crafting this case study, certain details have been omitted out of due diligence to the proprietary nature of this client's business. The information shared on this page has been made available with their explicit permission.

Deep dive


Sage, an app developed by Eternal (formerly known as Zelos), was part of YCombinator's 2019 seed wave. The project marked the beginning of Eternal's current focus: connecting users with content creators. My journey with the company began during the 2020 pandemic after an initial conversation with its founder on Discord.


Sage essentially served as a proof of concept, laying the groundwork for Eternal's evolving product. The platform distinguished itself by offering one-on-one coaching sessions as a premium service, with the added benefit of making these sessions accessible for free viewing to other users. Initially focusing on League of Legends due to its massive popularity and player base, Sage envisioned expanding its offerings to encompass a variety of video games, leveraging the foundational success and insights gained from this initial focus.


The goal was pretty straightforward—sell those coaching sessions! We wanted to create a hub where League players could easily find and book sessions with the crème de la crème of the gaming world, from influencers to big-name streamers. But it wasn't just about the transactions; we aimed to build a community, turning the notorious game's competitive edge into a force for good, connecting people rather than dividing them.

Discovery phase


When I joined the Sage project, the foundation was already laid out, but so much more could be done. The app had the basics down, but it needed that extra layer of polish to shine. My role was to take this diamond in the rough and give it the sparkle it deserved. This meant diving deep into the brand's identity and the user interface, ensuring that every aspect of Sage looked the part and felt intuitive and engaging to users.


Design: As with all apps that want to retain users, the user experience is paramount. I aimed to elevate Sage's design, making every interaction delightful and every visual element a testament to the target group. It was important to come across as genuine fans and players of the game.

Market research: Understanding our audience was crucial. We delved into the world of our users and crafted messages and visuals that resonated with them. We don't just want Sage to be seen: It has to be remembered.

Feature innovation: Engagement was key. We brainstormed and implemented features that would keep our users coming back, making Sage not just a tool for improvement, but a part of their daily gaming routine.

Strategy: Working closely with the founder, I explored every avenue for growth today, to explore options that would set Sage up for success tomorrow.

Engineering collaboration: Clear communication with the engineering team was essential. By providing detailed briefs, I ensured that the vision for Sage was translated into a seamless, bug-free, pixel-perfect user experience.

Continuous researchStaying relevant means staying informed. I immersed myself in gaming culture and constantly sought feedback and insights that could guide our next move.


This project introduced me to Flutter, requiring patience and a solid partnership with our engineer. While not deeply ingrained in multiplayer gaming culture, I rapidly acquainted myself with its intricacies to connect with the community. Navigating the ever-evolving brand identity of Sage in a fast-paced startup environment demanded adaptability and quick thinking.

Flutter learning curve

Before this project, I had yet to really work with Flutter. Adapting to it was a journey of discovery. It required patience (on both the design and the engineering side), a willingness to learn, and an open line of communication with our engineer, who was instrumental in navigating this new terrain.

Gaming familiarity

As someone who appreciates games but isn't deeply embedded in the culture, I had to quickly get up to speed with the intricacies of League of Legends and the broader gaming community. This meant going beyond the basics and truly understanding what makes gamers tick.

Quick pivots

In the fast-paced world of startups, change is the only constant. For Sage, this meant that our brand identity was constantly evolving, challenging us to adapt our designs and strategies on the fly, often with little notice. But hey– that comes with the territory.


In a lean startup environment, responsibility for Sage's visual identity fell squarely on my shoulders. This was both a challenge and an opportunity. It meant that I had the freedom to experiment and the authority to make decisions, but it also meant that there was nowhere to hide. Every pixel and interaction bore my signature, pushing me to strive for perfection in every aspect of our design.

Design sprints

We embarked on a three-sprint journey to revamp Sage's visual identity, starting with a modernization effort, evolving through a bold identity shift, and culminating in a refined and harmonious color palette that resonates with a gamer audience.
Each sprint's workload contained a combination of data-driven changes and design debt.

Sprint 1: Initial revamp

Initial revamp. The first sprint was all about first impressions. We focused on modernizing Sage's look, adopting a dark mode preferred by gamers, and incorporating contemporary design trends to make the app functional and visually appealing.

Sprint 2: Identity shift

Identity shift. Our second sprint tackled the brand identity head-on. We transitioned from a black and gold palette, which felt too cliché, to a vibrant green, aiming for a fresh yet familiar look. However, this was just a stepping stone to our final palette choice.

Sprint 3: Refinement

The final color palette was dotted with a lilac purple, specifically chosen to invoke a sense of familiarity in our target group. We revisited our decisions and refined the UI to ensure that every element was in harmony.

Visual design

For Sage's visual identity, we carefully selected fonts for seamless user experience, drew icon inspiration from gaming lore for functionality wrapped in fantasy, and experimented with color, transitioning from classic to vibrant, to finally settle on lilac purple for broad appeal. Our logo's evolution was a thoughtful process, aimed at achieving instant brand recognition.


I strategically chose to use the native font families of major mobile operating systems—SF Pro for Apple's iOS and Roboto for Android. This aimed to ensure that Sage felt seamlessly created for whatever device the user has.


The icon set for Sage was where I really got to flex my creative muscles. Inspired by the rich lore and immersive world of League of Legends, I wanted our icons to echo the fantasy elements that users love about the game. The challenge was to balance this thematic inspiration with the need for clarity and functionality. Icons need to, first and foremost, serve their primary purpose of guiding users through the app with ease.


Spinners are a great opportunity to add some character to a design. Sage utilizes two spinners: a small, simple variant used for quick-loading elements, and an elaborate variant.. This spinner consists of several rings, each comprising sections representing binary ones and zeros. As the spinner rotated, these binary digits aligned to spell "SAGE," creating a mesmerizing visual effect.

Nothing's loading here. Just in case you were waiting for something to pop up :)

Color usage

A colorful journey

We initially embraced a black and gold scheme, aiming to evoke a sense of premium quality and to mirror the medieval and RPG elements deeply rooted in the gaming culture. This choice, however, inadvertently veered towards feeling somewhat cliché and potentially alienating to our broader audience. Recognizing this, we pivoted to a more vibrant and welcoming green tone, previously utilized solely as a call-to-action color.

Final palette

In our pursuit of the perfect balance between familiarity and identity, we eventually settled on lilac purple as the primary color for Sage's branding. This final choice was inspired by two platforms frequented by our target audience: Discord and Twitch. This strategic alignment with the visual cues familiar to our users helped foster an immediate connection and sense of belonging.

Logo design

The design process was iterative, with numerous drafts reflecting a range of concepts from fantasy and sci-fi elements to motifs borrowed from the esports aesthetic. The choice to incorporate the full "Sage" wordmark into the logo, rather than relying on a more abstract symbol, was informed by a desire for clarity and brand recognition.

UI/UX Design

The design of the Sage app was a meticulous process aimed at creating an intuitive and engaging user experience. This journey through the app's design highlights our commitment to simplicity, engagement, and community building, ensuring that every interaction within Sage is meaningful and user-centric.
The three onboarding stages. Each stage is only used if necessary for the app's usability.

Splash screens

In developing the splash screen for the Sage app, I delved into the extensive database of official Riot Games League of Legends illustrations. I employed AI technology to enlarge each illustration before dissecting them into layers. These layers were the groundwork for a sophisticated parallax effect.

The splash screen cycles between three hero visuals, each representing a way to interact with Sage.


The onboarding process is the user's first interaction with the app, and we aimed to make it as smooth and welcoming as possible. Recognizing the reluctance to lengthy signup forms, I strategically split the onboarding into bite-sized, manageable steps, which would only be prompted if the app needs them to function correctly:
  1. Initial setup: The first step only asks for the bare minimum: username, email address, and password. This is to avoid early drop-offs.
  2. Personalization: This phase requests information necessary to tailor the app experience to each user. This included their League of Legends details, allowing Sage to fetch relevant match data and personalize the coaching experience.
  3. Verification: The final step was email verification, which is required only for users looking to book a coaching session. This step was positioned at the end of the onboarding journey to ensure it didn't act as an initial barrier.
The three onboarding stages. Each stage is only used if necessary for the app's usability.

Explore feed

This feature allows users to browse profiles of available coaches and companions, making it easy to find the right match for their learning styles and objectives. The clean and straightforward design features a photo, a brief description, and the session fee in an in-app currency, so users can quickly and efficiently assess their options.

The original website is in Dutch. The screenshots you see here have been auto-translated by Chrome's built-in translator.

Class feed

Inspired by the engaging formats of social media giants like TikTok and Instagram, as well as e-learning platforms, the Class feed is where users can watch free videos and coaching sessions. This feed was a space for active learning, offering tips and strategies to improve gameplay. The design borrowed elements from familiar platforms to create a user-friendly and engaging experience, encouraging users to spend time exploring content.

Education and socializing in one

Sage's design hinged on facilitating connections between players and coaches. Free users could learn by watching other people's recorded coaching sessions, and paid users could get bespoke tutoring. The latter group of users can easily find a suitable coach using the Connect feature.

Match Review

This feature is intended to encourage conversion. It entices users to book sessions with coaches. By integrating calls to action within the content, we made it easy for users to move from passive viewers to active participants in the Sage community.


The Quick Connect feature offers a solution for users who aren't too picky about their conversation partner. This function provides an immediate connection and allows users to be matched randomly with a coach or companion. For those seeking a more tailored experience, the option to refine their search criteria is available for a small fee in tokens.


My design responsibilities for Sage extended into its advertising efforts. I created these ads to resonate with different gamer personas. Some ads highlight the improvement aspect. Others showcase the community and companionship available within the app. The advertising strategy was as multifaceted as our user base. This approach invited a wide range of gamers to explore all the app had to offer.


In retrospect, Sage was more than just a project; it was a testament to the power of motivation. Though its journey was shorter than we had hoped, the lessons learned and the experiences gained have undoubtedly shaped our paths forward in the tech world.

Embracing the marketer within

One of the most surprising revelations was uncovering a latent talent for marketing, even without formal training in this area. Understanding user behavior, needs, and motivations translated nicely into crafting compelling marketing messages.

The fine line of micromanagement

I recognized a tendency towards micromanagement, especially regarding design details. My focus on precision—down to the pixel—was a double-edged sword. On one hand, it ensured a high-quality output that aligned with my vision for Sage. On the other, it highlighted the need for balance, trust, and delegation. This experience was a lesson in the art of letting go and focusing on the bigger picture without losing sight of the details that matter.

Platform difficulties

My encounters with Meta's ad portal were particularly trying, offering a firsthand look at the frustrations of digital advertising. Despite the platform's vast reach, its user experience was— to put it nicely— subpar.

Closure and continuity

The most enduring takeaway from my time with Sage is the importance of teamwork and the collective pursuit of excellence. Being part of a team where everyone is committed to giving their best, regardless of the project's outcome, was incredibly motivating.

"As a startup, we needed to optimize both speed and UI/UX. After going through over 20 candidates, we finally found Yoel. Yoel is able to not just deliver fast, but also iterate just as quickly. His design and ideas directly led to more conversion and sales. Can't wait to work together again :)"
– Jeffrey Tong, Founder of Zelos/Eternal

Implementation and credits

The following software was used to create the assets for this project:

  • UI/UX design: Figma
  • Developed in: Flutter
  • Asset creation: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
    • AI-powered enlargement: Topaz Gigapixel AI

This project has been made possible by:

  • Initial concept: The Zelos team
  • UI/UX design: Yoel Martherus
  • Brand design: Yoel Martherus
  • Development: The Zelos team
  • Illustrations: Riot Games

In crafting this case study, certain details have been omitted out of respect and due diligence to our client's privacy and the proprietary nature of their business. The information shared on this page has been made available with the explicit permission of the client. All insights and outcomes made available on this page are written to be informative while honoring the client’s trust.

Piqued your interest? Let's talk!

Book a slot in my calendar and we’ll be in touch in a jiffy. How exciting!